(This Support Group is dedicated to our beloved father Sh. GOVIND RAM)

He was a patient of Liver and Kidney faliure. Our Dad's blessing is with every patient.
We just want to help patients and their family members through our experience.

We need support of every one.

Liver Transplant India, Liver Transplant in India, Liver Transplant Surgeon, Liver Transplantation,Gastrointestinal Surgery

This Support Group is started with the consent of Dr Subash Gupta.

Govind Ram, Liver Transplant Consultant of India Support Group provides the information related to Liver, Liver Transplantation, Live donor Liver Transplant, Common Liver Diseases, Prevention from Liver Diseases, Liver Blood Tests, Liver Function Tests, Liver Donation, Liver Transplant Drugs and more.

We wish to provide hope to those with terminal liver disease by informing them that at a fraction of the cost abroad, liver transplants are being done routinely by the expert liver transplant surgeon Dr Subash Gupta at Apollo Hospital in India, with results that match the best in the world.

Welcome to Govind Ram, Liver Transplant Consultant of India Support Group.

Our Mission:

To give Liver Disease or Liver Transplant patients and their families the up-to-date information, practical advice and support they need to reduce the fear and uncertainty of Liver Transplant .
http://livertransplantindiaconsultant.blogspot.com, gives you all the details of the most important organ of the body Liver and its transplantation.

Can't Find What You're Looking For?

About Us


(This Support Group is dedicated to our beloved father  Sh. Govind Ram)
IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DAD,Support Group,Sh. Govind Ram,Sh. Govind Ram,Govind Ram,Govind Ram Gupta,Govind Ram Agarwal,Liver Transplant In India Information Guide,Organ Donation Awarness Program,SAI Support Group,Govind Ram,Liver Transplant Consultant of India,Support Group,http://livertransplantindiaconsultant.blogspot.in

Sh. Govind Ram

He was a patient of Liver and Kidney faliure.

Our Dad's blessing is with every patient.

We just want to help patients and their family members through our experience.

We need support of every one.

This Support Group is started with the consent of Dr Subash Gupta.

 Govind Ram, Liver Transplant Consultant of India Support Group gives you all the details of the most important organ of the body Liver and its transplantation, surgery, diseases and liver transplant surgeon and liver specialists Dr Subash Gupta in Delhi India.

Dr Subash Gupta is a Professor of Liver transplantation who has done over 500 liver transplants.

This Support Group creates & gives the hope to those who are suffering from terminal liver disease that at a fraction of the cost abroad, they will definitely have a better life ahead after transplantation.

This Consultant/Support Group is dedicated to bringing expert advice and the latest in medical advances to the doorstep of those who wish to protect their liver, those suffering from liver disease (hepatitis or liver cancer), unfortunate few who are dying from liver cirrhosis or acute liver failure and those who have been given a fresh lease of life by a transplant.


Patients Guide For Liver Transplant 

(Why you need counselling?)

Important Issues on Liver Transplant

  • What is liver transplantation?
  • When does one require a liver transplant?
  • How are candidates for liver transplant determined?
  • Can anyone with liver problems get a transplant?
  • Is Liver transplant Legal in India?
  • How long does it take to get a new liver?
  • Where does a liver for transplant come from?
  • Is liver donation safe?
  • What about Health Insurance?
  • What happens in the hospital?
  • How long would surgery take?
  • What happens during this recovery period?
  • When will I be able to go home?
  • What is rejection?
  • Do immunosuppressants have any side effects?
  • What are the signs and symptoms of rejection?
  • What are the other problems that can damage the liver transplant?
  • Is a recurrence of the original disease in the transplanted liver likely?
  • What if the transplant doesn't work?
  • How do I take care of my liver after I leave the hospital?
  • Can I go back to my daily activities?
Important Issues on Pediatric Liver transplant
  •       What is liver transplantation?
  •       Who is a candidate for a liver transplant?
  •       How is it decided that my child needs a liver transplant?
  •       Who can be the donor for transplantation?
  •       What does a pre transplant evaluation process consists of?
  •       What are the pros and cons of living donor transplantation?
  •       What is the average hospital stay for a donor?
  •       How does donation affect the donor's ability to work?
  •       How long will the operation take?
  •       What are the risks of transplant surgery?
  •       What is the postoperative period like for the child who undergoes liver transplantation?
  •       What medications will my child take at home after transplant?
  •       Once my child leaves the hospital, what happens?
  •       Who will look after my child long term?
  •       What restrictions will my child have during her recovery?
  •       What lifestyle changes are associated with liver transplants?
  •       What is the survival rate for children with liver transplants?
  •       What is the cost of a liver transplant?

Our Mission:

To give Liver Disease or Liver Transplant patients and their families the up-to-date information, practical advice and support they need to reduce the fear and uncertainty of Liver Transplant .